Certified Home & Property Inspection LLC is proud to offer Radon Gas Testing and Measurement Services in addition to our home inspections or as a stand alone service.  We perform Radon Gas Testing in Akron, Canton, Cleveland and most of Northeast Ohio.  Contact us today to schedule your Home Inspection and/or Radon Gas Test.


What is Radon Gas?

Radon Gas is a naturally occurring radioactive gas within the decay chain of uranium that is found in soil and water.  Radon is an invisible, odorless and tasteless gas that can build up to dangerous level inside ANY home; including homes that are new, old, drafty, well sealed, with basements and yes even homes built on slabs.


Should you test for Radon Gas?

Both the EPA and the U.S. Surgeon General recommend that ALL homes below the third floor be tested for Radon.

Radon Gas is a proven carcinogen (potential cancer causing agent).  Radon exposure is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking and the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers.  The EPA estimates that in the U.S. alone, about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year are radon related.

Testing for Radon Gas is quick, easy and inexpensive.


What do the test results mean?

The EPA has defined an “action level” of 4.0 pCi/L (picocuries per liter) regarding radon gas testing and measurements.  Meaning, if your radon gas level test results are 4.0 pCi/L or greater, the EPA recommends the home be fixed (mitigated).  However, since there are no known levels of safe exposure to radon, the EPA recommends that all Americans consider fixing their home if the levels are between 2 pCi/L and 4 pCi/L.


Additional Information

For further information on radon testing or mitigation, click on the links below, visit the EPA’s website or contact the Ohio Indoor Radon Program.

Home Buyers and Sellers Guide to Radon          Citizens Guide to Radon


Contact us today to schedule your radon gas test.


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